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My name is Mendy and I'm so glad you're here!

You might be surprised to know my "cookie career" didn't start with cookies or even baking. Long before my kitchen was overrun with equipment, I was a school teacher with a dream of one day having a business that combined teaching with cooking.

Then a few years ago, curled up in a blanket on my couch with hot chocolate in hand, I found myself binge watching episodes of the Christmas Cookie Challenge on Food Network.
I thought, "If they can do it, I can too, right?"

What few people knew was that behind closed doors, my three daughters and I were in a seemingly hopeless situation and needed a way out. Sooner than later, I needed extra money, I wanted a cooking business, and cookies seemed like a logical choice...the perfect storm.

Before I knew it, I was covered in flour, knee deep in royal icing and a bakery was born. The first cookies I made were rustic to say the least but I was hooked and decided to pursue this new adventure. My only "formal" culinary training has been Instagram University, Google College, the YouTube International School of Baking, and what must be
hundreds of hours of Food Network.

As I became more skilled with icing and decorating techniques, the requests for paid orders grew to more than I could handle- what a blessing is that?! Now, I'm taking this show on the road as they say, and can't wait to teach you everything I've learned. My classes are geared towards people on the run and I've shared secrets designed to give you success on your very first batch.

My cookie business not only provided me with an outlet of calm in the storm but with extra money I needed to find our way to freedom. Freedom will look different for each person, but this could be the avenue to create the life you
want to have. Whether you love making people smile,
want a hobby to unleash creative energy,
or hope to help your family through a financial challenge,
you're just one cookie away... 

​I am married to my best friend, Bryan, who is the Director of Quality Control (aka taste tester!). We share 6 adult children and 2 crazy dogs.

  • ​Credibility:  I've sold custom cookies to hundreds of clients, including large corporations. The resounding feedback is that these cookies are the best they've ever tasted and look just as beautiful! 
  • ​Recipe Authority: I spent countless hours testing and retesting recipes, adding "this" and taking away "that" with all my trusted taste testers. I didn't settle until I landed on the SHOWSTOPPER. I didn't just want the, "Wow. These are great cookies," reaction. I was looking for, "Holy Cow! These are the best cookies I've ever had!
  • ​Teaching Authority: I have combined what I've learned from cookie making with my teaching background to develop courses that will help ensure your success! In math, you have to learn building blocks before diving into the main problem. Keeping this in mind, my course sequence is different than any others I've seen. It is important to me that you are successful on the first run and most of all have fun!!
  • Benefit:  Whether making cookies is a hobby, you want to earn extra money, or you bake full time, these classes have something to offer everyone. I believe we should never stop learning and can always pick up new tricks,  techniques, and recipes. The most important thing to remember is, "Just start!" It's never too late to begin something new!